Working from home is a something only few people do, especially in India. This seems to evoke much curiosity amongst your relatives and excitement in your neighbors.
If some one works form home, these 10 things are always assumed about them by people who don't know what working from home is.
1. You nap and sleep in late all the time.
yes, I do sleep whole day and its should try it some time..Oh no you can't
you have to go to the office..too bad.
2.You get to do whatever you want all day.
Yeah..mostly...sometimes...not always.... you get the jist...
3.Since you’re free all day, you are available for any random errand.
beta kuch kar toh rahe nahi ho, jaake bazaar se yeh samaan le aao..
4.At least you don’t have to deal with a commute.
Ohhhyeaahhhh....I agree with you on this point...
5. When you say ‘working from home’ you really mean chilling right.
Seriosuly... thats what you think i do...??
6. Do you ever miss being in a real office environment?
NO, the only Office I miss is this one...
7. You’re probably so productive since you don’t have any distractions.
I think you missed it, but welcome to the age of TV and internet....
If some one works form home, these 10 things are always assumed about them by people who don't know what working from home is.
1. You nap and sleep in late all the time.
yes, I do sleep whole day and its should try it some time..Oh no you can't
you have to go to the office..too bad.
2.You get to do whatever you want all day.
Yeah..mostly...sometimes...not always.... you get the jist...
3.Since you’re free all day, you are available for any random errand.
beta kuch kar toh rahe nahi ho, jaake bazaar se yeh samaan le aao..
4.At least you don’t have to deal with a commute.
Ohhhyeaahhhh....I agree with you on this point...
5. When you say ‘working from home’ you really mean chilling right.
Seriosuly... thats what you think i do...??
6. Do you ever miss being in a real office environment?
NO, the only Office I miss is this one...
7. You’re probably so productive since you don’t have any distractions.
I think you missed it, but welcome to the age of TV and internet....
8. It must be amazing being your own boss.
i am also my own butler, my own mail guy and my own maid
9. So, when are you getting a real job?
When you wake up from this you idiot.
10. Wait, so, you really like it.
Ofcourse I do... wouldn't you?